IBM PC compatible computer
Hard drive or network with 100MB free disk space
any printer
Windows XP, Windows 7,8,9 or 10

MEDLOG is the ideal product for clinical research. Now you can use your own PCs for fast and easy data entry, storage and retrieval. MEDLOG is tailored for medical data management incorporating a Time-Oriented Design that makes tracking variables which are measured repeatedly over time simple.MEDLOG provides a comprehensive clinical data management system all in one package.
Call or e-mail today to discuss how MEDLOG can meet your clinical data needs. We will be more than willing to review your application and tell you how MEDLOG can help.
MEDLOG makes virtually no operational assumptions about your work. It accepts both character and numeric data. It handles up to 65,000 patients and 3000 variables per database. Each variable can be recorded up to 1,000 times per patient.
MEDLOG will allow you to:

  • Design databases to fit your applications
  • Create customized data entry screens
  • Add, delete, or change variable descriptions at will
  • Efficiently handle different numbers of visits per patient
  • Select patient subgroups according to time- and event-related criteria
  • Rapidly retrieve data according to simple or complex specifications
  • Manipulate and analyze data using basic and advanced statistics
  • Generate plotter-quality graphic output
  • Produce customized reports
  • Transmit data to and from other computer systems
  • Consult an on-screen help facility
  • Refer to superior documentation (420 page Manual)
  • Maintain database integrity via double entry verification and audit trails
  • Use local area networks for shared database activities
  • Merge data files
  • Save time and money!















































This program is used for entering and changing specifications of variables in the data dictionary. The data dictionary is the foundation of the databank. It tells the other MEDLOG programs how the data is stored and what it means.
A utility used to bring data into the MEDLOG system either in Comma delimited, ASCII fixed field format or FASTLOAD (a MEDLOG generated ASCII formatted file).
The COMMUNICATE program produces a data file for use by one of three major statistical software systems, SAS, SPSSX, and BMDP or other microcomputer systems using the Comma delimited format. You may also directly export data to Excel.
This module lets you compose data entry screens that look like your data collection forms, or whatever else you might want them to look like. Data input forms may use different fonts, sizes and colors. They are stored in rtf (rich text format).
The data entry module uses screens which you design. You don't have to be a programmer to produce a professional looking data entry system. Still, you can make the FORM module perform complex inter-form checks, calculations and other actions.
This module is used to verify your data and test for any discrepancies. It can produce audit logs of any changes. This is a critical feature, especially for those of you who will be presenting your data to the FDA.
Quick data entry module which eliminates the need for a pre-designed data entry form. Data is entered in a tabular manner.
The COMPUTE program is used to define new variables in terms of existing variables, and to compute the values of the new variables for analysis. The values of the new variables are placed in a transpose file. MEDLOG provides a full list of pre-defined functions like, LOG, COS, RAND, SLOPE, LAG, etc.
This program is used for defining patient encounter groups by specifying criteria, by specifying Boolean operations, or by enumerating the patients to be included. An example of a group you can define is: "Men between the ages of 40 and 50 who have had an increase in diastolic blood pressure over 30% within a 6 month time frame after beginning treatment with drug X." Maybe all you want to look at is a group simply defined as men over 50. Both are possible without computer programming.
The SELECT program identifies and stores lists of patient encounters according to the group definitions specified by the GROUP program. SELECT examines the data in a transpose file when forming criteria groups.
The CREATE program reads the current contents of the entry files (those produced by the FORM and ENTER programs) and creates a transpose file containing data for selected variables. The transpose file is used for data analysis and retrieval activities.
The EXTRACT program lets you extract values of selected variables for statistical analysis and listing programs, or for transmission to other computers. You can specify up to 8 groups for which you want data extracted. EXTRACT creates an "extraction" file which can be accessed by any of the analysis programs. In general, an extraction file is a working subset of your databank. The EXTRACT program lets you view your data from different perspectives.
The TRANSFORM program is used to define new variables interms of extracted variables, and to compute the values of the new variables from data in the extract file.
You use EDIT to add or change the data in an extraction file. The exiting takes place by automatically invoking Excel where the actual changes are made.
Allows you to display all or part of the patient data recorded in MEDLOG files. You can display the records of individual patients or of groups of patients, and you can restrict the encounters and variables displayed.
Lets you abstract and summarize data for the individual patient. Although the name implies its application for form letters, the LETTER program has numerous clinical applications such as the preparation of a patient summary to be studied prior to a treatment session. If you want three across address labels printed, or complex drug interaction reports or simple letters informing the patient of their latest physical exam reports, MEDLOG provides LETTER for that purpose.
The REPORT program produces listings and summaries of MEDLOG data in a format which you design. It can also perform sorting and calculations such as totals and percentages. As with LETTER your report can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be.
With MEMBERS, you can list the values of selected variables for all patients listed in a group. You can choose extracted variables, time-invariant variables (including text variables), and certain special variables such as NAME, BIRTHDAY, and NUMENC (number of encounters established).
Displays, in graphical form, the change of a variable over time. Plots of individual patients or group averages can be displayed. When plotting individual patients, up to seven variables can be displayed simultaneously.
The GRAPHICS program is used to display high resolution graphic plots from PATPLOT, SCATTER, SURVIVE, FREQUENCY, BARGRAPH, LINREG and COXREG programs. Symbols, scales and labels may be changed to tailor the plot to your requirements.
With BARGRAPH, you are provided a graphical means of comparing the percentages of an event, such as diastolic blood pressure >=100, in two or more groups. It also computes a chi-square test (or Fisher exact test) for equality of percentages between groups.
This program constructs cross-classifications of two variables, displays them in contingency table format, and computes tests of association between the variables. The variables can be categorical, or measurement variables with ranges divided into intervals. Instead of two variables, one variable can be tabulated for several different groups; in this case the test is for the equality of distributions of the variable across groups. For certain tables a trend analysis will be performed.
This program is used to compute product-moment correlation coefficients between pairs of variables, and t-tests of the hypothesis that a true correlation is zero.
With FREQUENCY, you can compute the frequency distributions and relative frequency distributions of a selected variable in up to 4 groups. It displays histograms of these distributions and the frequency counts and percentages in the class intervals. FREQUENCY also displays plots and listing of the cumulative counts and percentages.
The MEANS program computes arithmetic means, standard deviations, minimums and maximums, t-tests, and one-way analyses of variance.
SCATTER is a linear regression program for one independent variable. It provides scatter plots, the usual regression statistics, plots of residuals, and confidence intervals for predicted values.
SURVIVE computes Kaplan-Meier estimates of survival curves for censored data, and performs hypothesis tests of the equality of two survival curves. It provides a method for analyzing times to an event such as death or relapse, in situations where the data for some patients are censored -- that is, observation ends before the event has occurred.
This program computes medians, percentiles, and a variety of nonparametric statistics, including the sign, signed rank, Wilcoxin, and Kruskal-Wallis tests, Kendall's tau, and Spearman's rho.
This is a multiple linear regression program for up to 30 explanatory variables. In multiple regression analysis we assume that the mean of a "dependent" variable is a linear function of one or more explanatory variables. LINREG provides the usual regression statistics, plots of residuals, confidence intervals for predicted values, etc.
LOGREG is a multiple logistic regression program for up to 20 covariates (explanatory variables). In the linear logistic regression model we assume that the logic of the probability of an event is a linear function of one or more covariates. LOGREG provides the regression estimates, tests of significance of the covariates, confidence intervals for predicted probabilities, etc.
This is a program for Cox's proportional hazard regression analysis of censored survival data, with up to 20 covariates. COXREG also provides tests of significance of the covariates.
Lets you list information in and about MEDLOG system files -- the dictionary file, panels file, group file, etc. This can all be done easily by answering prompts from the program.
This program is used to copy all or a portion (in a particular group) of patients data from an existing databank to a new databank.
The MERGE program can combine analysis data from two different groups, either from the same extract file or different files. This is necessary when dealing with particularly difficult specifications or when the data must come from different databanks.
With BUILD, you can take two databanks, and combine them to form a new databank. You may choose all of the patients in a databank or only those in a specified group. The two databanks may be combined by matching medical record numbers or concatenated by simple addition. Variables may be renamed, matched, and have their types changed.
By running this program you can run retrospective cohort studies easily. Pick the variable you want the patients to match up on and MEDLOG will do the rest.
This program allows you to quickly review data summaries for all your variables making data verification easy. You can also find out what variables are included in your data entry forms in seconds.
Here is where you can perform such utility functions as deleting a patient and changing an encounter date.
This program lets you examine and edit the values in text storage files or tables. Ycan also use it to examine other types of files and rename them or delete them.
This program is used for multi-site databanks. It evaluates a remote site's data files for changes and creates a file summarizing them. At the central site REMOTE reads in these files and incorporates the changes into the central databank. During the course of a project, a remote site would send many of these "update files" in order to keep the central site up-to-date.